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Friday, February 22, 2013

Preppy Bridal Photo Shoot Preview

Sooo, I know I haven't posted in a while...shame on me :-( But I have a perfectly good reason for why I have a little less free time these days. I'm so excited to announce that I've been working on planning, styling, designing a bridal photo shoot!

This wonderful photographer Olivia Jacob, chose me to help her execute a styled bridal photo shoot in the historic Georgetown section of Washington, DC. We've put together a great team of people, and I've been hard at work coming up with concepts and sourcing items to make my vision come to life. It's a lot of work! And there are so many details! But I'm loving every minute of it. The big day is coming up in only 1 week and I can hardly contain my excitement. The photos will be submitted and hopefully published in a wedding blog. Do I smell a new career in photo styling...hmmm. JK
But here's a sneak preview inspiration board of our Preppy Georgetown Wedding. Stay tuned for more to come!



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