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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kid's Valentine's Party Inspiration-Owl Theme

I’m semi-obsessed with an Owl theme for a kids Valentine’s Day party. Partly because you can play around with cute phrases like “Owl always love you”, “Guess Whooo loves you?”, and “You’re a Hoot”; and partly because they’re so darn cute!
These owl cookies were made using a heart-shaped cookie cutter and look amazing!
These very cute owl cupcakes use oreos and m&ms to make the eyes and nose. Yum!

I love the expressions on the faces of these digital clipart owls; and they come with matching Valentine's bunting.
These printable Owl V-Day cards have a beautiful hand crafted look.

If you love the owl theme as much as I do, you might opt to create a beautiful dessert table around it like this one
What a cute way to give away Valentine's treats; could also double as a Valentine's Day card.
Dress up your cupcakes with these wide-eyed owl toppers...awww!
Whooo loves chocolate? We Owl love chocolate!
These adorable flapped owl favor bags are great for taking treats home.

Cute craft idea for an owl-themed party

Valentine's Day was made for loving; be kind to your owl pinata by ordering a pull-string pinata instead.


I'm amazed at the level of detail on these owl cake pops, right down to the red bow.


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